Alabama National Association of Hispanic Nurses

Member Feedback Request

Posted over 6 years ago by Grace Grau

Please complete the feedback request survey to facilitate success in fulfilling our mission and goals.

Survey Link

Functions  of the Greater Birmingham Chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN) shall include, but not be limited to the following:

  • to have a voice in the planning of health service delivery to Hispanic citizens and residents of Jefferson County and surrounding communities;
  • to compile a local membership directory of Hispanic nurses;
  • to promote leadership, professional and educational advancement of chapter members, particularly  the ability of nurse members to meet the healthcare needs of the Hispanic population;
  • to promote scholarly activities, including research activities and seek grant funding opportunities;
  • to support research aimed at evidenced-based solutions that address health promotion, illness prevention, and the improvement of health problems and disparities common to Hispanic ethnic individuals and communities;
  • to identify the contributions that Hispanic Nurses have made individually and/ or in collaboration with interdisciplinary members to advance the development of knowledge, education and nursing practice;
  • to actively participate in advocacy and setting health care policy that affect Hispanics;
  • to be recognized and utilized as a resource by community leaders when considering matters that affect the Hispanic population;
  • to collaborate with all members of national and international organizations to support the health of all people across the lifespan;
  • to strengthen the influence of Hispanic nurses on government and organized nursing through coordinated action.