Alabama National Association of Hispanic Nurses

Laws of Leadership

Posted 6 months ago by Grace Grau in Professional Development

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I came across this resource today and wanted to share 7 Laws of Leadership. While this refers to CEOs, the information referes to anyone in a leadership position. I hope you find it helpful :)

These laws will help you transition from a good decision-maker to a great one:

  1. Reject shortcuts to growth.
  2. Create the space to work on the business.
  3. Challenge your thinking with fresh perspectives.
  4. Stoke curiosity.
  5. Apply discipline to decision-making.
  6. Find a trusted guide.
  7. Rise by helping others.  

Read more in the attached document and remember ~

“Leaders bear a responsibility to renew their perspective to secure the relevance 
of their organizations” (Leadership consultants Kenneth Mikkelsen and Harold Jarche 
Harvard Business Review).